Managed service providers ?can sell the benefits of proactive, remote management?
Bruce Newman of Phoenix is one of about 120 CMIT Solutions franchise partners whose locations serve small businesses' technology needs.
New technology usually springs ahead of efforts to make it safe for consumers, and mobility is no different. Mobile device security is on the minds of virtually every business owner and executive worried that a 6-year-old might accidentally erase critical data from a smartphone or tablet while slingshotting irate fowl.
That?s why managed service providers (MSPs) are so valuable to business owners, especially small businesses ? providers manage and reduce the risk, fix problems when they happen, and supply peace of mind to people who are trying to run thriving operations.
That?s also one of many reasons why, if you?ve thought about owning and operating a technology franchise, now?s an excellent time to give it a look.
Mobile malware multiplies
Mobility has transformed business and personal life during the last five years, evolving into a dizzying array of devices, applications, and networks. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement in business heightens the risk of losing sensitive business and proprietary data, and mobile malware threats continue to multiply, especially for Google Android users. It all fuels consumers? concerns about security threats and doubts about networks? ability to protect them.
?The reality is (that) the lightning-fast adoption of powerful, smart devices is outpacing society?s ability to secure them,? says a recent study by California-based technology and network infrastructure company Juniper Networks, which found that ?millions of people are using mobile technologies and services today that they do not necessarily trust.?
The company surveyed 4,037 mobile device users and IT decision makers in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, China, and Japan to gauge consumer confidence in mobility. It found that only 15 percent of those surveyed had a great deal of confidence in their mobile devices? security, compared to 18 percent with little to no confidence and 63 percent who haven?t made up their minds.
Good news for MSPs
The era of the smartphone is, not coincidentally, the era of the mobile data security risk. (FEMA photo)
Within the seemingly gloomy findings, though, lies promising news for managed service providers. IT consultant Brian Sherman wrote recently that businesses? often-chaotic response to security threats ?signals an opportunity for managed service providers who can sell the benefits of proactive, remote management.?
The survey identifies service providers as the top ?key stakeholder in trust,? which 63 percent of respondents hold responsible for protecting sensitive mobile data. Moreover, nine of 10 of those surveyed who use personal devices for work say employers should be responsible for protecting their security.
Managed service IT providers are the best choices for employers to meet these expectations. Providers specialize in technology solutions that can protect business data across networks and devices and stay ahead of so-called ?hacktivists? concocting new ways to circumvent the security moat.
A technology franchise can protect data
Small businesses can be especially vulnerable to mobility security issues because many depend on BYOD, and few can develop sufficient IT platforms to protect themselves. Nearly half of small businesses that lose their data never reopen. We?ve developed powerful managed service packages to manage IT platforms and protect data, and demand for those offerings will grow even more as mobility evolves.
So if the thought of owning and operating a technology business intrigues you, and you want to tap into a large and growing market of small businesses that need management of increasingly complex IT, CMIT Solutions is the place to start. We?ve spent the last 16 years serving the small business sector through our network of more than 130 franchise partners, who are especially adept at handling small business needs because they?re small business owners themselves.
To learn more about a unique business opportunity, fill out the form on this site, download our free franchise information report, learn about our value proposition, and let?s start talking.
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