Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fad diets: not a shortcut

Fad diets are a popular option for students who do not necessarily have the time to devote towards going to the gym every day. Certain diets like juice cleanses and calorie-cutting plans are gaining a lot of momentum for people in their twenties. For some, these sort of dieting options act as quick fixes to lose weight, but they are not the healthiest option compared to other more typical diet plans. Deciding what type of diet works best for whom is figured out on a personal level but as in any diet plan, there are still some precautions that need to be taken into consideration.

One popular pick for losing weight is the juice cleanse. As its popularity increases, more students are beginning to get curious about it and try it out for themselves. In a proper juice cleanse, a person drinks the juice extracted from fruits, vegetables and herbs for about three days. The idea is to completely rid the body of toxins and poisons by eliminating any and all things that would have any toxins or preservatives in it. Some who have tried this type of cleanse believe that it has helped to fine-tune their body and has helped them get a fresh mental and physical start to a healthy dieting regimen.

When done in moderation as a way to restart your body?s diet, juice cleanses can be a great technique to jump start being healthy, cleaning the slate and making a conscious decision to begin making changes toward a healthier lifestyle. But when one does these cleanses for more than three days, as some do, this kind of continued fasting can cause nutrient deficiencies increases and the loss of electrolytes in the body. Side effects such as dizziness, nausea and severe headaches are a result.

Juice cleanses are an interesting take on getting healthy. To lose weight, they are not recommended. As a starting point to learning how to control and eliminate food cravings, to strengthen immunity and increase energy, it is known to be beneficial.

Senior Kristian Miller, a kinesiology major and nutrition minor, suggests that college students eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly if they want to lose weight and be healthy. She recommends that students get about three days a week of cardio-respiratory exercise and to also partake in strength and resistance training if possible. For Miller, she tries to work in 30 minutes of exercise to her busy schedule at least every other day, if not every day.

The best way for college students to lose weight and acquire that beach-ready body is to do it the old fashioned way ? burning more calories than what is eaten each day. For many, the reason for the lack of motivation is because the exercise isn?t stimulating enough. If a student is bored with running on a treadmill, then perhaps going outside and running around campus is better suited for them. Or if somebody hasn?t worked out for a while, going for a walk or taking on a less involved physical activity is a great way to work their way into cardiovascular activities.

There is no doubt that eating healthy in college and keeping it up is difficult. If a student wants to lose weight in time for spring break in just a few weeks, then a healthy diet and exercise plan is best. Fad diets like juice cleanses are portrayed as a magic bullet to losing weight but are not ideal because it does not benefit the dieter in the long term. The best way to live a healthy lifestyle and to keep it up is to do as both Miller and Dietel suggested to me: Go to a gym, do what you can, eat healthy and results will come. These benefits of eating healthy and exercising regularly are far greater and more rewarding than fad dieting.

Yo-yo dieting among teens has long-term effects

Teenagers who engage in extended cycles of yo-yo dieting end up increasing their Body Mass Index years later: ?Specific weight control behaviors used during adolescence that predicted large increases in BMI at 10-year follow-up included skipping meals and reporting eating very little (females and males), use of food substitutes (males), and use of diet pills (females).?

The report?s authors went on to say: ?It is crucial to find ways to steer young people away from these ineffective and potentially harmful weight control behaviors, and provide support for the adoption of healthful eating and physical activity behaviors that can be implemented on a long-term basis.?

Avoiding the attraction of the latest quick diet fix is a challenge, not only for teenagers but for adults.Instead of worrying about a child?s body size, parents should instead focus their children (and themselves) on three different areas: adequate exercise, healthy food choices and drinking plenty of water.

?Everyone thinks their kids are active, but the truth is that most aren?t getting good quality exercise,? he says. ?Children should definitely exercise on a daily basis ? 20 to 60 minutes of true exercise.?

About the Author

Author has been engaged in weight loose approach for a long time. Currently he is focusing to provide important information on how to lose weight and diet plan. At http://howtolooseweight.co.in/ we are committed to provide best way to lose your weight.

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